Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Beginning, or an ending

I didn't want to go to the corporate retreat, but it was part of my job. Being stuck in the wilderness at some new age lodge learning 'trust exercises' with the stuffed shirts I work with is not my idea of fun. I work in television, as a writer on a number of shows. I've done cops shows, worked on a highly popular "tween" show for a major studio, and even worked on lines for a "reality" show.

Every couple of months on of the bigwigs comes up with these team builders every couple of months. We've done paintball, bungee jumping, and all other 'extreme sports' that are suppose to bring a bunch of competitive people work together in a competitive business together as a team.

Normally I would have hated being away from my family for a week like this, but things at home had been a bit tense. My wife, Jennifer and I had been drifting apart for a while. We both have intense jobs, just in different ways. My job is very competitive, and her job as a nurse has a lot of stress, which has affect our marriage and our nine year old daughter Kaitlynn. We both love here, and try to keep her out of things, but when Mom and Dad are fighting the girl is bound to hear. It sounds stupid, but we were staying together for Kaitlynn. We hoped it would be enough.

The lodge had it's own runway, do the boss had us picked up and dropped off at our closest local airport. After a week of no contact, noteven television, I was ready to get back to civilization. I got into my car, popped in a CD, and prepared for the 45 minute drive home. I would have called ahead to let Jen know I was on the way home, but I had left my charger at home, and it was late, so I just took the back roads home. It was very quiet, and I honestly don't think I saw another car on the road. That should have told me something...

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